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5-Minute Chia-Berry Jam (No Sugar Added!)

I saw this come across my newsfeed a while back, and I couldn't help but fall in love with it. What's not to love about Strawberries in the summer AND the amazing health benefits of chia seeds?! I am all for adding in bits on nutrition every chance I can. I add quinoa to my scrambled eggs, yogurt and even my smoothie for a textured protein punch. I add chia to everything.

My dad grows his own garden, so strawberries are never out of stock here. At the end of the summer last year I had about 10 freezer bags full of frozen strawberries. We'd still have them now if Elle wasn't a strawberry FREAK. It also doesn't help that we have a fridge with the freezer on the bottom, so every time her or I would open it, strawberries were in sight (I'll be keeping them in the downstairs deep freeze next time.) Lesson learned. :)

This is a staple item that is so easy to make a ton of, freeze and enjoy all summer long. I hate buying jams/jellies. There is only 1 brand I have found that doesn't add in sugar (strawberries are already sweet), and it's 40 minutes away. Plus, they are not cheap.

I can't wait to enjoy this on toast, waffles, crepes, pancakes - you name it! And of course, a super-healthy PB&J (as long as you are using PB with 2 ingredients - peanuts and sea salt.) I get mine from Kroger (I tried a new brand out this time that actually has flax seed oil in it as well - it's really good). Other than peanuts, sea salt, maybe some healthy oil (such as flax seed), then you're PB&J is a chia-protein-packed, filling lunch. (The bread is another story for another blog post... coming soon)

Don't like strawberries? No problem. That's why this is called Chia-Berry. This will work great for raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, you name it. I'm going to try the blueberry next. If my dad grows rhubard this summer, I'd love to try a strawberry rhubarb. I'd love to hear about your own personal concoction!

Chia-Berry Jam

Makes about 12 oz


2 cups berries (I used strawberries) Make sure to thaw if you are using frozen berries.

2 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp warm water

2-4 tablespoons honey

1/2 tsp vanilla


1. Add all ingredients (start with 2tbsp of the honey) to a blender or food processor (I just used my blender - hate cleaning the food processor for such a small job).

2. Pulse until it is the txture you prefer.

3. Taste and add more honey if you want it sweeter. Transfer the mixture to your preferred container - I love my mason jars - and allow to set in the fridge for about an hour.


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