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Almond Encrusted Fish

This is by far one of my most favorite recipes. The Beurre Blanc sauce is just amazing and really brings to life fish (and I always mix it into my sides too). Chad loves it, and so does Elle.

It's important when "Clean Eating" to keep things simple. I took a picture of my whole plate for this picture, to show what most of our sides look like at dinner. Brown rice (WAY better for you than white rice, and if you've attended my "First 20 things to Non-processed, you know why!), and my DESSERT-LIKE carrots (I'll post a recipe up on that later... it I just threw something together one time on the grill, and I continue to eyeball it's ingredients so I don't know exactly how much of what goes into it - olive oil, honey and cinnamon). I honestly save some for the end as my 'dessert', because they are just so good!

We also had butter bread (5-ingredient bread from GreenBean Delivery... which just so happens to be from Bean Haus Bakery in Findlay Market), and REAL unsalted butter from Hartlzer Farm in Wooster, OH. I stress REAL because it's not margarine, and it comes from cows that see the light of day. See for yourself here.) You can get this either from GreenBean Delivery, or Whole Foods. And no, it's not that expensive. It comes in a big cylinder shape, and for 2 lbs it's $10. The regular boxed butter at the store is about 1 lb for just around $5, so no real big difference there. If you are serious about 'Getting in Shape', whether weight-wise or food-wise, it's important to take these small ingredients into consideration, because they do matter and will have an effect on how your body functions (good or bad!)

Simplicity is key... and is what will help you stick with this and not go insane.

Almond Encrusted Fish with Beurre Blanc Sauce


  • ¼ cup dry white wine

  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream

  • 4 tablespoons butter, plus 2 or 3 more tablespoons for cooking the fish

  • 1 pound white fish (I have used cod, tilapia, and Turbot)

  • 1 egg, beaten

  • 1 cup sliced almonds, chopped into small bits or crushed in food processor

  • 1 cup whole-wheat breadcrumbs (You can make your own, or buy some. Just be sure to check the label for uneccessary ingredients!)

  • ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Pour the white wine and 1 tablespoon of cream into a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook until it is reduced by half.

  • Meanwhile mix together the almonds, breadcrumbs, and parmesan in a shallow dish.

  • Next, coat the fish with the egg and then transfer it to the almond mixture. With dry hands coat the fish thoroughly with the almonds, breadcrumbs, and cheese.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of butter to a non-stick sauté pan (if you have one) and set it over medium heat. Once the butter has melted add the fish and cook it for several minutes on each side adding more butter if necessary to keep the coating “wet”. Sprinkle with salt and pepper if desired.

  • While the fish is cooking check on the wine. Once it has been reduced by half add 1 more tablespoon of cream and then 4 tablespoons of butter. Whisk the sauce together and keep it warm until the fish is ready.

  • Once the fish is flaky in the middle it is ready to be served. Whisk the sauce one more time and then pour it on top.

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