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Review: GreenBEAN Delivery

I thought I would share some final thoughts on our experience with GreenBEAN Delivery. You may have just heard of them, or are thinking about trying them out. Either way, if your goal is to start eating better, signing up for GBD is the perfect first step!

My husband and I decided to challenge ourselves to strict meal planning, which, didn’t end up going so well (I think the crazy busy weekends we’ve had + having a baby were our biggest reasons to ‘forget’ to meal plan!) I did learn, however, that I could still make my life easier with getting our basic essentials delivered. And let me tell you, it’s amazing. I get my quinoa/oats, pure maple syrup, bread, milk, butter (when needed), basic everyday veggies, and dried fruits/nuts, etc. I usually add in a bag or two of frozen blueberries for our weekend breakfasts, too.

I like their selection of local chicken, and I've been getting their whole chickens (for my crockpot recipe) and chicken wings (also for the crockpot). It's local, all-natural with no antiobiotics, hormones or GMO's, and they're from a farm right next door in Indiana. Very cool!

Knowing that all of these are coming on Fridays and I at least have a start (and I don’t have to worry about the weekend!) gives me extra time to meal plan and I don’t stress if we forget.

If you are on the fence, I highly recommend at least trying them out. If anything, you are saving gas and sparing yourself a stressful shopping trip (especially if you have kids!)

And if you are thinking it may be too expensive, think again!

The minimum you need to meet to have it all delivered to your door is $35 ($28 produce minimum) and this gets you:

(an example from this week’s SMALL bin)

7-9oz organic Portebello Mushrooms

1 Medium organic lemon

1 large organic yellow onion

6oz of organic Raspberries

1 bunch organic Broccoli

3 large organic Navel Oranges

1 large organic Cucumber

1lb Green Beans

4 large organic Golden Delicious Apples

Add an item or two to meet the $35 minimum, and all of this is delivered right to your door. Seriously, it cannot get any easier.

During my IIN Health Coach training, we've been taught to 'crowd-out' unhealthy food/habits, by introducing healthy ones. For example, instead of telling yourself NO to candy, try drinking a glass of water before you eat the candy bar, or eat an apple. Was your craving really for candy, or were you dehydrated? Maybe you craved sugar, and you now fulfilled that craving with the naturally occuring sugars in fruit. It will be much easier 'crowding-out' bad food, when you now have healthy choices at home.

If you are ready to take that first step, just visit (if you are in NKY, you need to choose the Cincinnati location).

Feel free to ask me any questions about it! I can’t wait to hear how much you love it!


Get $15 off your first order by using promo code: 15MHYml

and be sure to use my name as a reference. You only have a week to get the discount, so don't miss it!

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